A rosy future for specialist UMAs

A rosy future for specialist UMAs

Specialist underwriting managers have become an important component of the South African insurance landscape. They differ from the UMAs who provide conventional commercial and personal lines cover in that they offer a wide range of expertise on a variety of covers...

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Avoiding the road to nowhere

Avoiding the road to nowhere

The old adage Africa is not for sissies most certainly applies to South Africa’s motor risks. We read stories daily in the press about the general lawlessness on our roads, from drivers driving in the emergency lane and speeding, to those causing horrific accidents...

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Integrity at the forefront at Centriq

Integrity at the forefront at Centriq

Cornea Matthee, Centriq Group Compliance and Risk officer, says to ensure ethical behaviour and integrity remains at the forefront of all business conduct both internally and at our business partners. Centriq introduced and implemented various awareness campaigns. The...

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