The relevance of Cell Captive in today’s insurance market
Structure and nature of the cell
The cell is owned and controlled jointly by the client and the cell captive insurer. It is brought to life through a contractual relationship formed by the insurer, and a separate class of preference shares issued to the cell owner, following an infusion of capital from the cell’s side.
The nature of the cell captive is governed by a cell shareholders’ agreement, which sets out the rights and obligations of the preference shareholder, namely the cell owner, and the insurer. This includes, amongst others, details of the insurance business transaction.
Tailored to meet specific needs
Aside from the fact that the cell captive has always suited certain types of insurance, especially third-party insurance by taking on the form of i.e. non-self-insurance business, some of the most pertinent aspects that impact cell captives today include:
- The recent changes in legislation as it delineates the types of businesses that may own a cell captive. Examples include bona fide affinity type insurance schemes and underwriting managers. (As an aside, the cell captive structure eminently suits both the affinity type scheme and the underwriting manager.)
- The clearer rules that have been set regarding cell captives and the ownership thereof as it helps third parties and the cell industry to focus their attention on the right type of cell ownership opportunities out there.