30. Integrity at the Forefront

Integrity at the forefront at Centriq

Cornea Matthee, Centriq Group Compliance and Risk officer, says to ensure ethical behaviour and integrity remains at the forefront of all business conduct both internally and at our business partners. Centriq introduced and implemented various awareness campaigns. The first ethics campaign was launched at the beginning of 2015.

“Because of the importance of ethical behaviour and integrity for Centriq, it runs like a golden thread throughout all our policies, procedures, contracts and training. Business engagements with external third parties and Centriq partners require discussions around the topic of ethical behaviour and places an emphasis on ethical decision-making,” Cornea explains.

Cornea explains that Centriq has always supported the efforts and message highlighted during the international fraud awareness week initiatives. However, following the Board approval of the Centriq Integrity Policy in 2015, Centriq re-thought its approach to sharing the anti-fraud message. “We partnered with our parent company, Santam, and successfully re-launched a newly titled integrity campaign during fraud awareness week. The purpose of the campaign was to communicate and create awareness around what Centriq regards as ethical behaviour and doing business with integrity, as well as what we expect from our partners as well as internal staff. Amongst others, we highlighted the importance and role of integrity for Centriq in its selection of partners and measuring of staff integrity.” From a risk management and compliance perspective, the company’s vision is to enable business strategy with good governance and ethics intact. Ethical behaviour and culture of reporting unethical behaviour is therefore promoted and tested as early as due diligence undertaken in relation to a business partner, and during the recruitment process in relation to new employees. Ethics and the importance of integrity is included in induction training, as well as annual refresher training sessions throughout Centriq.

Integrity= reliability and dependability 

For Centriq, integrity means keeping your promises and being both reliable and dependable. It is illustrated in your honest and genuine dealings with others. It means always doing the right thing even when you know no one else is watching. “This type of behaviour builds trust which contributes to our real value. It is the entrenchment of the values with which have chosen to do business and is the cornerstone of our company. Without trust our business will suffer immensely. We will not to compromise our commitment to doing business with integrity,” continues Cornea.

During the fraud awareness week they highlighted the importance of reporting misconduct when witnessed and focused on their various reporting channels where partners and stuff alike behaviour. “We urged our partners and staff to make a personal commitment to the highest level of trust and integrity.”

Cornea says that research, trends and experience show that the biggest misconception we make to believe that we are immune to fraud. “Failure to actively promote a culture of behaving and doing business with integrity exposes us to fall victim to unethical behaviour and fraud, especially if we’re not aware and vigilant of the tell-tale signs. Fraud awareness is therefore critical.

“As business partners, we promote active pre-emotive behaviour to gear ourselves to eliminate, rather than tolerate such behaviour. In order to ensure this, Centriq compiled insightful tips that will help stakeholders on their way. The tips are practical in nature aimed at giving helpful successful ways to prevent,” says Cornea